Customer Retention Products

Looking for way to keep your existing customers? In the rush to earn new business don't forget your past customers. Research shows that it is more expensive to gain new customers than it is to keep existing customers. Use NISA business greeting cards as a customer retention tool to keep your name in the forefront and remind your clients of your products and services, encouraging repeat business.

1 - 10 of 13
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Been a While Customer Retention
Inside Greeting:
We miss you! Would Appreciate the chance to earn your business again
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Typewriter Customer Retention Tool
Inside Greeting:
Been thinking about YOU
wanted to see if you needed anything?
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Scripted Checkin Customer Retention Tool
Inside Greeting:
Let us know, we are here to help!
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Note to Call Customer Retention
Inside Greeting:
I'm only a phone call away!
Let me know if you need anything...
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Checkin Banner Customer Retention
Inside Greeting:
Is there anything I can do for you? Call me,
I would love to help!
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Retro Checkin Customer Retention
Inside Greeting:
Do you need anything? Call me...
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City Customer Retention Tools
Inside Greeting:
We miss you! Would love the chance
to work with you again!
Was $2.30 -- Now as low as $0.89
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Need Anything customer retention tools
Inside Greeting:
Call me. I would be glad to help.
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Excited Customer Retention
Inside Greeting:
Let us know if you need anything.
We'll be glad to help!
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Wondering Customer Retention
Inside Greeting:
Do you need anything? Let me know...
I would be glad to help!
1 - 10 of 13