The page you requested was not found in our new website.  Please select from the navigation on the left or the categories below to browse our fantastic selection of business greeting cards.

Thank You Cards

NISA offers a unique line of Business Thank You Cards for all stages of the sales cycle. The best way to show your appreciation and tell your clients "thank you for your business" is by taking the time and sending a business thank you card as opposed to a hastily punched out electronic message. Traditional thank you letters and follow up letters often end up in the trash, where as a witty business thank you greeting card can get passed around the office and posted on a wall

Sales Prospecting

Sales prospecting tools you can't live without! Greeting cards that are creative, witty, effective, memorable and straight to the point. Unique and clever sales tools to use in your day to day business interactions to help you keep in touch with clients and get in the door!

Sales Follow Up

Top 12 Sales Follow Up Products you must have to succeed in business! Unique and creative way to keep in touch with your clients and follow up sales calls during all stages of your sales cycle. Get your voice mails returned.

Customer Retention

Looking for way to keep your existing customers? In the rush to earn new business don't forget your past customers. Research shows that it is more expensive to gain new customers than it is to keep existing customers. Use NISA business greeting cards as a customer retention tool to keep your name in the forefront and remind your clients of your products and services, encouraging repeat business.

Referral Cards

Referral thank you cards are a great way to show your appreciation to business associates for recommending your services. Your existing customers are also a great resource for new business. We offer you easy ways to ask for referrals at every opportunity from your existing clients. Referrals from happy clients is the #1 way to increase your business.

Birthday Cards

Shop for a wide range of Business Birthday Cards & Employee Birthday Cards at Nisacards. Personalize each Corporate Birthday Card with your Company logo, and company contact information. Sending NISA Business Birthday Cards to clients or employees is the perfect way to increase their loyalty and in return increase customer and employee retention.

Employee Thank You

NISA offers a unique line of employee appreciation greeting cards. In order to increase employee retention you have to appreciate and acknowledge your employees for their efforts. NISA greeting cards offers you the tools to build these long lasting relationships.
Click on an image to see ordering options, changing the inside greeting, adding your Company Logo or contact information.

Holiday Prospecting

The holidays are no time to stop prospecting for new business. Get creative and ask for the business with Holiday cards designed specifically for prospecting! You send Holiday cards to your current customers why not send one that asks for business from new customers? Here are 6 ways to help you stand out and get the appointment during the busy holiday season. We make it easy for you to get new business.